Well tonight Christian and I get home and find stuff out of place. Our house was messy when we left and so it is so embarrassing that my dad would let ALL of my aunts* in the house to look around. How would you feel to have someone come to your house when you are not there and look in your closet and drawers...and they even stacked my dishes!! I have always felt self conscious around them anyways so to have them see my house messy is driving me CRAZY!! And to top it off they left a note on my computer reminding me of what a mess my house is (jokingly of course).
I just can't stand to have my personal life so available to anyone that my dad wants to let in the house. I love my dad but he just happens to bring people over when I have had a busy day and I haven't gotten around to picking up. I feel like I am constantly cleaning and I feel like crap when people see the house like this!
So I can't wait to have my own place. I can't wait until Christian and I are the only ones that know the garage code...the only ones that have a key... I NEED SOME PRIVACY!!!!!!
*To my aunts that read this blog: Don't be offended by this post...I know that you really don't care about a messy house and you were only joking when you wrote the note. This post is just to vent!