On Monday, July 14th, I got to go to the American Idol concert with my mom, brother, and his girlfriend. This was such a fun concert and I loved seeing the top 10 perform live!! David Archuleta was so cute and he was so overwhelmed by the support that he started to cry. He is a very humble kid! And if you ever have the chance to see David Cook live...DO IT!! He is SO amazing live....I got the chills several times but mostly during his guitar solo!! We were nearly deaf when the concert was over but it was well worth it!
On Tuesday is when we started going downhill. Ava came down with the stomach flu and the poor thing didn't move off of our couch for eight hours unless I was changing her diaper or cleaning up her throw up. I came down with this on Thursday and it WAS NOT pleasant!! Then on Thursday night Christian caught the bug!! All in all about 20 people in our family got the stomach flu...it is a nasty bug and I hope you are all spared of it!!

This last weekend we headed south! We had a family reunion at Kodachrome State Park which is near Escalante. It was VERY HOT but we found some cool escapes and really enjoyed ourselves. We did the funnest slot canyon called Round Valley Draw. It was really tricky climbing in and out but we figured it out with just a few bumps and bruises! It was beautiful with red rock on both sides of us! I liked this slot canyon a lot because there were so many obstacles that we had to get through!
We also did a small hike, Willis Creek, that is a smaller slot canyon. It was fun to have most of the family (extended family too) there to enjoy the hike!