Friday, March 5, 2010

My Fitness Pal

MyFitnessPal is so simple and I can't figure out why it is so motivational...I can't put my finger on exactly why it is working for me and a lot of other people. Maybe it's the fact that my friends and family that are doing it also can see my progress...they can see if I stay below my calorie intake goal and if I am losing weight. It's so cool cause not only does it count calories but it shows you the sodium, sugars, cholesterol, vitamins, potassium, etc in the food your eating. So now I can look at a food and say, "That is really high in sodium so I'm going to pass on that" and that results in weight loss!

The point of this blog post is to invite ALL of you to join My Fitness Pal. It really works and I think it helps to have friends and family doing it with you! If you do join look for 'cocacole77' and request me as a friend!



Jenn said...

Sounds like a great idea! It always helps to have competition/encouragement of others!

Lesia said...

I also am loving the weight loss process.

Nicole Marsh said...

That is cool, I should sign up for it. Congrats on the weight loss!!

amrust said...

I'm now doing my fitness pal too, of course on my touch :) Also check your email to read my blog :)

Erin said...

I joined but can't use it at this time due to nursing. Adam is on there as well so be sure to friend him too.