Friday, October 24, 2008

November 21st

I am counting down the days until 12:10am on November 21st!!! That's right....TWILIGHT movie tickets have been released and I have my reserved seating! Tickets are far and few now so I hope all that want to go have gotten theirs!! I'm SO EXCITED!!


Erin said...

I should have been thinking about this. I am going to have to talk to my siter-in-law about getting tickets. YIKES! Too bad we couldn't be going together. Miss ya!

The Steeds said...

When you do see it-please let me know what you thought. I probably will be waiting until after the crowds die down to see it.

Mom said...

Dear, I hate to say this but it is no longer September, and October is almost over :)

Nichole said...

Oh I know...changing my blog header is not a top priority these days!

Sarah Lee said...

Hey... where is Jasper? I think they guy playing him is HOT! and don't freak out... BUT I just might, (might) have another ticket to the Twilight Moms event. Interested?

Hendricksonblog said...

I am jealous that you guys can go and I will have a suckling child.