Sunday, February 14, 2010

Too be little...

I am always saying that I wish I could do the things my children do and not seem like a crazy lady! I wish I could go to a restaurant and squish my fingers in my food or throw myself to the floor when Hobby Lobby doesn't have what I need. And I especially wish that I could talk to my imaginary friends when I feel lonely...Snow White would make for some good company!

With that said....

Cute right?

Hmmmm...cute? Ya...not so much!


Cyd said...

I think my baby brother isn't cute as cute as he once was but his baby son is ridulously cute!

Anderson Family said...

I love this post!

Erin said...

I laughed at the Hobby Lobby comment. So true.

Nicole Marsh said...

Have you seen the commercial when the mom throws a tantrum at the store. Haha it is great!! I love the pictures.